Class lists and attendance
School extra-curricular coordinators, teachers or principals can access the most up-to-date information about student attendance from the live School Portal.
Follow these steps:
Follow these steps:
1. Go to the website
2. Click Sign-in
3. Enter your school email address and password
4. You may need to reset your password
5. Once signed in, click Coordinator Dashboard (this may be your default view)
2. Click Sign-in
3. Enter your school email address and password
4. You may need to reset your password
5. Once signed in, click Coordinator Dashboard (this may be your default view)
6. If you have access to multiple schools or campuses, click the one you want to see
7. Click My Bookings
8. Click on Attendance link in order to see names and live attendance data
Why are there blank names?
A blank name is the attendance record for the child named above, but in a different class.
Eg. The image below shows the child attended Carl's class on 7-Feb, then Zaid on 14-Feb and was absent on 21-Feb.
A blank name is the attendance record for the child named above, but in a different class.
Eg. The image below shows the child attended Carl's class on 7-Feb, then Zaid on 14-Feb and was absent on 21-Feb.